Ready to change the way you lead? Here’s how emotional intelligence can boost your team's productivity and your career growth.

How critical is emotional intelligence (EI) in today’s workplace? In a word, extremely. The demand for emotional skills is projected to grow 26 percent by 2030, making it non-negotiable for leaders across all industries. The successful modern leader isn’t just technically proficient but also empathetic, self-aware and calm under pressure.

emotional intelligence for leaders: more than just a soft skill

So, what can high emotional intelligence do for you and your team? First, it plays a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture and employee retention. A Gallup study revealed that people are four times less likely to leave their jobs under leaders with high EI​​. This shows the power of EI in creating a workplace where people feel not just seen and heard but genuinely respected and valued. It's about building a work environment that nurtures loyalty and minimizes turnover.

Leaders with high EI also tend to make smarter, more well-rounded decisions. Their ability to stay composed under pressure enables them to think more clearly. These managers prioritize understanding various perspectives, leading to decisions that are not only logical but also inclusive of their team's viewpoints.

Finally, the old saying that nice people finish last doesn’t hold up regarding EI. On average, professionals with heightened emotional intelligence earn about $29k more per year than their peers with lower EI.

four essential tips to boost your emotional intelligence

Improving your EI is easier than you think. Start with these four tips:

1. get to know yourself better

Understanding how your emotions shape your leadership style is vital. Consider a manufacturing plant manager who realizes that tight deadlines trigger stress. By acknowledging this, they can work toward a more composed response, even under pressure. One way to gain this insight is to keep a daily journal. Reflecting on your reactions to different situations daily can help identify patterns and triggers in your emotional responses, paving the way for better self-awareness.

2. walk in your team’s shoes

How well do you truly understand your team? Do you actively listen to the hurdles they face and their ideas for doing things better, or do you just hear them out and then move on? Empathizing with your team’s challenges can create a more unified and efficient workforce. It’s about genuinely understanding your employees’ perspectives and valuing their input.

3. learn to keep your cool

It’s easy to manage your emotions when everything’s smooth sailing. The real test comes in high-pressure situations. Picture a marketing director gearing up for an important pitch. It's normal to feel anxious, but by using techniques like deep breathing or visualizing a successful outcome, they can maintain a calm and confident demeanor. This approach doesn't just help in personal composure. It also sets a positive and reassuring tone for the entire team.

4. make deeper connections

Outstanding leadership is as much about building relationships as strategy and execution. Regular catch-ups to discuss career goals or day-to-day challenges show your team they're valued, not just as employees, but as people. Celebrating achievements together isn't just a nice touch — it lifts team spirit and fosters a culture where everyone feels part of something bigger.

A final tip for boosting and sustaining your emotional intelligence is to surround yourself with individuals who share these vital skills. Start a conversation with Randstad today — we can help you find the kind of talent that lifts everyone’s game.