Are sabbaticals the company perk you've been missing? Learn how they can reinvigorate your workforce, improve productivity and make your company a magnet for top talent.

Are sabbaticals the best-kept secret to building a happier, more engaged workforce? More and more companies think so. They’re offering sabbaticals to retain top talent, boost productivity and enhance work/life balance. Let’s explore the what, why and how of employee sabbatical programs.

what are employee sabbaticals?

Think of sabbaticals as goal-oriented breaks from work, which can last from one month to an entire year. Unlike PTO or medical leave, which offer short-term relief and recuperation, sabbaticals are strategically planned periods aimed at long-term rejuvenation and skill-building. Employees generally have a well-defined objective for their time away, aligning with either personal aspirations (e.g. trekking in the Himalayas) or career advancement (e.g. enrolling in a master’s program). Depending on the company policy, these enriching breaks can be either paid or unpaid.

benefits of employee sabbaticals

First up, sabbaticals are like a recharge button for employee wellness. They offer a break long enough to pick up a hobby, dive into a passion project or spend quality time with loved ones — all essential for mental well-being.

Employees return from sabbaticals with renewed enthusiasm and perspective. They may have learned new skills to advance their careers. Time away can give people a better sense of how to balance their work responsibilities and personal lives. What’s more, that renewed energy can be infectious, boosting the entire team’s morale and engagement.

Sabbaticals also support your recruitment and retention strategies. After all, work/life balance and flexibility are top priorities for workers today. Our Workmonitor 2023 survey found that 48 percent of U.S. respondents would quit a job if it prevented them from enjoying their life. A sabbatical program can make your company more attractive to top talent and lower the costs associated with employee turnover. Both existing and potential workers value an employer who invests in their well-being.

And while one team member is away, why not use it as an opportunity for upskilling and cross-training? It's an excellent time to test an employee in a more advanced role, helping you discover their untapped potential.

setting up a winning sabbatical program

First, establish clear guidelines on who qualifies for a sabbatical and what the conditions are. Whether based on years of employment or specific achievements, make sure the eligibility criteria are transparent.

Then, encourage employees to plan how they intend to spend their sabbatical. You and your employees will also get the most out of the program if participants genuinely disconnect from work during their time away. That means no work-related emails or calls. After an employee’s sabbatical ends, get feedback to understand the value gained. Use these insights to refine your program.

You might also want to share the employee’s sabbatical story in internal comms or external marketing channels. Most people will come back excited to share their experiences. In doing so, you can spread awareness about the program and highlight this unique employment benefit. After all, happy employees make for the best brand ambassadors.

Want more ideas for attracting new talent and retaining workers? We’ve got you covered with insights and innovative strategies to help you stand out as a world-class employer.