1. cloud engineer

So much of what leading companies do today depends on the cloud, from data storage to application development, service delivery and more. Cloud engineer jobs involve overseeing all aspects of a system, from design and planning to maintenance. Depending on experience and location, salaries range from $114k to $170k.

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2. DevOps developer/engineer

Eager to collaborate with developers and IT teams on time-sensitive, mission-critical code releases? DevOps developers are at the center of the action, combining strong tech foundations with the strategy and vision to consistently deliver results. If that sounds like you, you're in luck. There is no shortage of DevOps engineer jobs, and salaries are typically between $111k and $168k.

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3. .NET developer

Configuring systems. Maintaining and developing software. Designing and executing applications from scratch. There's really no limit to the value .NET developers are delivering for businesses today. That's why companies are snapping them up just as fast as they can — and why .NET developer jobs are some of the most in demand in tech. Compensation for these roles is competitive, with salaries anywhere from $83k to $142k.

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4. machine learning engineer

Companies are focused on increasing their operational efficiency in order to deliver better results, and in many cases, machine learning (ML) is how they're doing it. In fact, having advanced ML capabilities can be a key differentiator as well as a driver of innovation. So it's no surprise machine learning jobs are growing as a result. Salaries for experienced, senior-level machine learning engineers top out at $174k.

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5. security analyst

The last few years have seen a huge increase in the frequency and volume of cybersecurity attacks. This has changed the way most companies think about and approach cybersecurity. And that's good for security analysts as well. These savvy tech experts are indispensable to organizations across the board, safeguarding data and fencing out malicious actors. There will be an additional 19,500 information security analyst jobs each year between 2021 and 2031, and salaries can range from $78k to $141k.

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6. full-stack developer

Nowadays, virtually every business and organization has a website. Full-stack developers can code and maintain both the front end of these sites (the part that users see and interact with) and the back end (the technical code that makes the site function). Because they possess both skill sets, full-stack developers are in high demand and jobs are on the rise, including remote positions. Salaries fall between $71k and $131k.

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essential tech skills and certifications