Robotics is reshaping the world of work. Learn about the top job roles in this exciting field and pick up some handy tips on how to accelerate your career in robotics.

Exciting news from the world of robotics: the New York Police Department has unveiled plans to deploy Digidog, a remote-controlled robotic canine, to assist in situations such as bomb threats or hostage situations.

This futuristic approach aims to mitigate risks to human officers and embodies a broader trend in the labor market. Increasingly, organizations are exploring how robotics can revolutionize the way we work.

It could also revolutionize your career. The robotics industry is expanding rapidly, with cutting-edge tech like delivery drones and self-driving cars creating new job opportunities. Let's break down four of the most promising roles in robotics and share some tips on breaking into this exciting field.

1. robotics engineer

Robotics engineers build robots from scratch, handling everything from design and programming to assembly, testing and maintenance. They're the cornerstones of robotics companies and research labs, lending their expertise to clients within diverse industries, from healthcare to manufacturing. To succeed as a robotics engineer, you'll need a firm grasp of computer-aided design systems and the ability to write and test code for robots.

2. mechanical engineer

When it comes to making a robot functional, mechanical engineers take center stage. Tasked with creating the physical infrastructure of a robot, these engineers handle everything from designing the robot's primary structure to its chassis, bearings and joints. You'll often find them in the manufacturing, automotive and aerospace industries.

Mechanical engineers' duties often extend beyond construction. They may install robotic systems, conduct research or analyze efficiency levels post-implementation. While they need a foundational degree in engineering, they often specialize in one or more areas within the field.

3. design engineer

Ever wondered why robots have a futuristic vibe? Credit that to design engineers. These professionals refine the visual appearance of robots, but their role isn't limited to aesthetics. They collaborate with mechanical engineers to ensure the physical design is functional, allowing the robot to accomplish its programmed tasks efficiently.

Design engineers are involved in all phases of a robot's physical design, from blueprint creation to determining movement. They often rely on computer programs to visualize designs before crafting physical prototypes.

4. automation engineers

Automation engineers design, program, simulate and test automated machinery and processes, which often include robotic devices. These experts find their place across industries from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and entertainment. You'll need a solid understanding of robotic systems and programming languages to excel in this role. Moreover, you'll need to be a problem solver with a knack for finding efficient solutions to keep the automation process on point.

advancing your career in robotics

Climbing the ladder in robotics involves more than earning a STEM-related degree. Pursuing professional development opportunities and gaining practical experience is vital to making a mark in this field. Most major robotics companies offer some kind of internship experience. This will provide you with the opportunity for on-hands learning and mentorship from professionals in the area.

Also, consider pursuing additional certifications like the certified robotics technician (CRT) or certified robotics engineer (CRE) designation.

Ready to plunge into the fascinating world of robotics or level up your career? Check out our technology career resources and job listings for the latest opportunities.